LCC minutes Nov & AGM 2024






Present:             Jacqueline Doherty, Julie Gilmour, Maggie Hunter, Caroline Bryce,                                                                                   James Hunter, Carly Deheer, Neil Barrington,

Also in attendance:   Lesley Fairlie, Iain McDougall, Muriel Colquhoun,

Ania Owsianka, Trixie Brown, Caroline MacLean

Cllr Fiona Airlie-Nicolson,  Cllr Colin McCulloch, Cllr James MacLaren

Apologies:       John O’Brien



Start and welcome  


1.        Vote of Thanks to Neil Barrington

Neil was thanked for his years of service to the village.  Over the years he has dedicated his time to his role of chairperson which sees him manage meetings, ensuring the smooth running of community council business.

He has worked with the rest of the Community Council to make sure that Langbank’s voice is represented and heard within Renfrewshire.  Neil took a real pride in doing his best to make sure Langbank is a great place to live, campaigning for better facilities, raising awareness of village issues and helping organise village events.  Neil helped introduce our annual Clean-up Day – long before the existence of Team Up to Clean Up in Renfrewshire – and could often be seen cutting back overgrown vegetation, cleaning gutters and repairing broken fences around the public areas of the village.

As well as involvement with groups in the village Neil was the vice chair of the Local Area Partnership and served on the Renfrewshire Community Council Forum.

Neil is dedicated, reliable, supportive, passionate, hands on, kind, funny and professional.  He has served the village well over the years and is well respected as a result of this. 

The Community Council would like to thank Neil on behalf of the wider community.

A presentation of Gift voucher was presented to Neil from the CC as well as a gift and letter of thanks and recognition from the Provost.

Neil gave his thanks to everyone.

Provost gifts and certificate gratefully received by Neil.




•            Acceptance of last AGM minutes – 11th October 2023

Proposed by James Hunter

Seconded by Maggie Hancock


•            Chair report

Due to resignation of Neil Barrington this will be covered under secretary report.


•            Secretary report

This past year the Community Council have continued to try their best to represent the local community and strive to ensure we are represented within the wider Renfrewshire Community.

Neil and Jacqueline regularly attended Local Area Partnership meetings (members passed NB their kind regards) and also represented the community at the workshops looking at RC Transport Strategy.  Neil and John attended meetings of the Renfrewshire Community Council Forum, Local Planning consultation.

We have continued to campaign for safety measures at the roundabout – and continue to be frustrated at the lack of progress made with Transport Scotland who don’t seem to grasp the real concerns which villagers have and fear that it will take a fatality before any action is taken.

The Gleddoch Planning application for Glamping Pods also caused concerns for some local residents and in particular the impact this may have on the environment, increased flood risk and road safety.

The CC has also worked closely with members of the Village Hall committee to help ensure that this valuable village asset can be well utilised and promoted, to continue to benefit the community.

Unfortunately one area of very slow progress has been the work in conjunction with the Clyde Coastal Path and it is hoped that 2025 will see a revival of this work (JD).

The CC have continued to work collaboratively with the LSR to improve the outdoor spaces around the village, with a new hut at the MUGA and outdoor exercise equipment at the playing fields being delivered for the village.  Plans are also in place to have picnic benches refurbished at the playing fields and some new Christmas lights at the MUGA.

The CC also helped with the organisation of the annual village clean-up day and the tree light switch on.  There was no Gala day this year as it had originally been hoped that we would be able to hold a grand opening of the new play equipment.  Unfortunately we weren’t provided with sufficient advanced notice to arrange this.

The CC were all saddened when our chair, Neil, unfortunately had to resign due to health reasons.  However all understood and were grateful for all of his dedicated service over the years.

Jacqueline thanked the committee for their ongoing efforts, in particular Carly for assisting with village website and facebook page as well as stepping in to the secretary role when necessary, Julie for her efforts as treasurer.  Julie and Carly have also played an integral role in organising village events.  John for representing the CC at Renfrewshire meetings and Iain for assisting with a number issues in the village.

New village planters, very successful and still blooming nicely!

Thanks to everyone that comes along to support the LCC.


•            Treasurer report

JG setting up internet banking, no material changes to outgoings.

Approx £ 200 ring fenced for Marypark path

JG is progressing the admin change of address GDPR, Insurance etc

** Accounts 23 – 24 attached


•            Election of committee

Chair Jacqueline Doherty –    Proposed by Carly Deheer , second Maggie Hunter

Vice chair John O Brien  –        Proposed by Jacqueline Doherty and Carly Deheer

Secretary  Carly Deheer –       Proposed by Jacqueline Doherty and Julie Gilmour

Treasurer Julie Gilmour –         Proposed by Jacqueline Doherty and Maggie Hunter          


•            Dates for 2025 meetings

Meetings will continue to be the second Wednesday of the month excluding July and the dates for 2025 are as follows:

8th January, 12th February, 12th March, 9th April, 14th May, 11th June, 13th August, 10th September, 8thOctober, 12th November, 10th December.


Thanks to 3 councillors for attendance and continued support.


•            The AGM ended at 20:02    - The November ordinary meeting then commenced




Acceptance of last meeting minutes (October 9th 2024)

Proposed by James Hunter, seconded by Jacqueline Doherty

It was noted that Maggie’s apologies for the October 2024 meeting had not been recorded.


Police Report (if applicable)

No police report available.

MC -  querying information regarding recent road rage incident on Finlaystone Road


Village website and Facebook updates.

No outstanding issues.  Usual information added to website.

AGM was promoted on Facebook.  Calendar of Christmas events will be put onto page.


Village Groups Updates

Community Centre

Fairly busy with Lets’

Meet RC next week – council / community control

Car park improvements including lighting, very well implemented

Meet RC next week – council / community control

Bishopton Community centre run by the community – the only one in Renfrewshire.

Houston CC sold.

Recently clearer more specific guidelines as to who’s responsible for repairs

The Village Hall is the only resource we have, it provides a sense of community, not part of the 20 minute community

Similar to next week’s  planned meeting previously took place 10 years ago between RC and Village Hall committee



Successful Halloween event at MUGA, with many children and families attending.

Santa and Sleigh Christmas light purchased and this will be mounted at MUGA. Thanks to Iain for help with this.

MUGA Wednesdays : Free multi sports – best attended in the area.

The committee was approached by Bishopton Rugby Club and have agreed to allow them to use for training sessions – currently fortnightly for a monetary contribution to help with upkeep of facility. Notices are posted during these sessions as MUGA needs to be used exclusively for safeguarding, the committee have agreed this is only workable where the user is a Community interest group, BRFC are a local sports team that includes Langbank residents.

MUGA hut has chairs that can be used by any village groups.


Winter Connections grant

RC have been in touch as there is some money left. Agreed we apply, money would be available to village groups to host events, if money isn’t used it gets returned.


The village Christmas Tree lights will be switched on at 7pm on Sunday 24th November.  Usual sing along in church at 6pm beforehand and there will be mulled wine, hot drinks available.

Santa will visit Langbank in December but date needs to be finalised. 

Decided that the 24th November was a bit early for this festive visitor.


Church redevelopment

No additional update.  Plans for redevelopment continue to move forwards slowly, with some very constructive input from local architect.


Street lamp replacements

Ongoing issue with lighting on Seath Avenue has now been resolved.

IMc Steet lights are on all day Dennistoun & Glencairn. JMcL will follow up


Recent flooding / Drainage clearing

Concerns had been raised by number of residents over state of pavements and gutters which had become clogged by fallen leaves.  Initially leaves on pavement at Station Road were blown off pavement, however gutters and drains remained covered.  Thanks to our local councillors for their support as the team then returned and cleared leaves from pavement and gutters on Station Road.

Pavements on Middlepenny Road are also bad due to fallen leaves and hedges overgrowing pavements.

The path along Station Road playing fields was also in a poor state due to overgrown vegetation and fallen leaves.  This was cleared last week and is much better.  Thanks to local councillors for help with this and to RC for clearing.

JMcL – road sweeper followed up a couple of days following the blowers, FAN - noted Langbank in connection with winter flooding programme.

Process for impending bad weather, Langbank had not been included however 3 areas of Langbank have now been proposed and will be accepted for inclusion.

It was noted that Christmas lights installed and maintenance on Main Road, contractors attending at 2am.

                  Hedge overgrown pavement on Middlepenny Road


Planning Application 23/0128/PP 30 Glamping Pods, Gleddoch Hotel

This application has now been removed.

Concerns that a new application will be submitted by Gleddoch in the new year.


Fireworks survey

There is still concern amongst villagers in relation to local fireworks, including those at Gleddoch Hotel.  Discussion around whether it is worth a poll on Facebook to gauge feeling.  Noted that even if residents wished RC to consider banning fireworks then this would not include those at Gleddoch as these are organised displays.  RC can only consider a ban of domestic fireworks.  Therefore a poll would serve no purpose at this time.

We will continue to work with Gleddoch and ask them to keep us informed of time and dates.

Main road was extremely busy with people watching Levengrove fireworks.


Transport Concerns

A8 roundabout

Report due in January 2025, Alison Irvine was original contact


Younger drivers still huge issue on Main Road, noted at MUGA when children were leaving,

RC are increasing traffic calming measures – islands to slow cars seem to be preferred by RC

Lack of public transport

Response to timetable lack of service 1617 for more than an hour, 1647 to be reintroduced from December from Central.

There are trains that do not stop at only 3 stations Woodhall, Langbank & Paisley St James, the other 2 have alternative public transport options. Langbank doesn’t.








Local Cllr updates and monthly reports


Cllr McLaren Report

During Cllr McLaren report it was also proposed that in the absence of a library facility the VILLAGE HALL could facilitate the small electrical recycling initiative. This was deemed to be unworkable if it was inside but could be facilitated if there was an outside method to drop off.


Langbank Community Council November Report from Councillor James MacLaren


  1. Roads 

  1. Pavement Parking Traffic Order: - The order has not yet been signed off by the ILE Board of the council so it will not be enforced until 2025.  Further exemptions over and above those already listed will be considered in the future. A revised proposed traffic order will follow in due course.  

  2. Road Closures: - I am aware of recent frustration with road closures and diversions.  When planning any roadworks and diversions, consideration is given to ensure that suitable safe routes for the type and volume of traffic being diverted is part of the process. This does mean that some diversions require to take longer routes than simply routing traffic through local roads that may not be designed for heavier volumes of traffic even in the short period of a local closure.

  3. Grids and Gully Hotspots: - A report came to the recent ILE Board about flooding and the process that will be followed when bad weather is forecast, which involved checking and clearing of gullies and grids in burns across Renfrewshire.  A list of these locations was given but there was no mention of any in Langbank.  I put forward an amendment that gully hotspots for Langbank should be included, specifically Station Rd, Main Road, and Old Greenock Rd at the Finlaystone Burn.   This was accepted subject to checking on the boundary at the Finlaystone Burn.

  4. Signage OGR: - The replacement Give Way sign is due to be fitted by the end of the month.

  5. Middlepenny Rd, Railway Bridge: - Roads have advised that a small section of pavement at the bottom requires resurfacing which could involve a road closure.  Network Rail might consider painting the bridge at this time while the road was closed, though it probably will not happen this year.


  1. Street Lighting

  • Westferry: - There seems to be some confusion over ownership of the street lights on this roundabout.  Our Lighting Engineer is currently arranging for a meeting with Transport Scotland and an update will follow thereafter.

  • Seath Ave: - The lights are finally working and the excavations filled in.  The contractor Pegasus fitted a new underground loop.


  1. Bin Collections & Litter, Recycling

  • Small Electrical Items: - Small electrical items can now be recycled at the Recycling Centres and at libraries.  I have asked if the village hall might be considered but this would depend on its management.

  • Food Waste Recycling: - Council are no longer supplying bags to households that tie a liner to the bin, the annual supply will replace this process from Monday 28th October. The supply will be delivered over 6 weeks and accounts for 2 bags of food per week, per household.   In addition, there will be ad hoc supplies delivered to libraries and the recycle centres.


  1. Footpaths/Cycletracks

  • Bishopton to West Ferry Proposed Active Travel: - I attended the first consultation on the proposed cycle track from Bishopton to Westferry alongside the A8.  I suggested that the speed limit should be reduced from 60 mph.

  • Middlepenny Place: - I am aware that the foot gate to the field is broken.  Legal Services are looking into the ownership and responsibility for its repair. 

  • Station Road: - The recent fall of leaves left the pavement slippery.  I arranged for it to be cleared which involved blowing the leaves into the road.  A road sweeper followed up a few days later. The Tree and Woodland Supervisor has looked at the work needed to cut back tree branches from the pavement and this will be scheduled in over the coming weeks.


  1. School Holiday dates

The process of carrying out consultation with staff and professional bodies started a bit later this year than in previous years.   Hopefully in coming years this process can be concluded in a more timely manner to give more advance notice to staff and parents.


  1. Missing Shares Scheme

Council have changed the rules to enable more people to carry out communal repairs in flatted properties in Renfrewshire.  The scheme supports owners in flatted property who want to carry out common repairs or maintenance, but can’t take the work forward due to the minority of owners who are unwilling or unable to pay their share.  The Council can help owners by considering to pay the missing shares to allow work to take place and recovering costs from owners who have not paid their share at a later date.


  1. Local Place Plan: - You can help shape the future of the village by commenting at


  1. Overgrown Hedges

The adopted verges, including hedges, should get a hard cut back from Main Road, along Houston Road to the junction of Old Greenock Road.  This work is due shortly.


  1. Park Mains High School

A formal 12-week pre-application period in which we will capture views from the community, before the full planning application is submitted later this year for the extension of Park Mains High School.  The next public event (no booking required) at Park Mains High will be on Wednesday 4 December 2024, from 5 to 8pm.

The expanded school is planned to include:

  • a new teaching building next to the existing west wing of the school;

  • a new PE building next to the existing PE block;

  • an extension to the dining area; 

  • changes to the layout of the existing building to keep subjects together;

  • extra car parking and expanded bus drop-off/pick-up area.


  1. The Surgery, Station Rd

A number of people have contacted me about the temporary reduction in surgery opening hours.  I have written to the Renfrewshire HSCP and the Inverclyde HSCP and will follow this up.


  1. Fireworks, Gleddoch Hotel

Gleddoch Hotel kindly advised times for a recent firework display but unfortunately decided to hold the event earlier than planned which has upset a number of neighbours with animals, with serious results.  Fireworks can currently be set off by the general public in Scotland between 6pm and 11pm, every day of the year – except for Guy Fawkes and Diwali when this is extended to midnight, and Hogmanay or Chinese New year when this is extended to 1am.  Fireworks control zones only prevent the use of fireworks in a private domestic setting and not a complete ban.


  1. Decision for Application Ref 23/0128/P Glamping Pods

The planning application was withdrawn.



Cllr McCulloch


·       The most recent meeting of the Education and Children’s Service Board included a lengthy report on school estate projections for the whole of Renfrewshire.  Park Mains High School is also due to go over capacity for at least part of the 2030s. I’ve no doubt a further discussion around secondary schooling in the area will come from this.


·       Renfrewshire Council’s Children’s Services department has now submitted a proposal of application notice to the local Planning Authority for the extension of Park Mains High School. This is necessary for any planning application - such as this one - classed as a major application, and starts a formal 12-week pre-application period in which the Council will capture views from the community, before the full planning application is submitted later this year.


This includes two public events, where the local community can see the outline designs, meet senior school staff and the team behind the project, and give the Council their views. No booking is required. They will be at Park Mains High on:


o   Wednesday 6 November 2024, from 5 to 8pm (already held)

o   Wednesday 4 December 2024, from 5 to 8pm


The Council has written to parents and carers at Park Mains and its feeder primary schools to invite them to attend.


The designs produced so far are based on feedback from pupils, parents, staff and community groups, gathered during the space-planning exercise carried out in late 2023.


The expanded school is planned to include:

o   a new teaching building next to the existing west wing of the school;

o   a new PE building next to the existing PE block;

o   an extension to the dining area;

o   changes to the layout of the existing building to keep subjects together;

o   extra car parking and expanded bus drop-off/pick-up area.


After the full planning application is submitted, there will be more formal consultation with relevant bodies, and the opportunity for local residents to make representations to the planning authority.


·       Renfrewshire Council’s parking strategy 2023-2028 was reviewed and updated at the meeting of the Infrastructure, Land and Environment Board on 8th November. You can see full details of the papers here:
There was no update on the recent pavement parking consultation exercise in these papers.


·       Street lighting on Seath Avenue should have been repaired.


·       Alison Taylor MP will shortly be arranging a meeting with Transport Scotland and will invite all three local Ward 11 Councillors to discuss ongoing issues at the roundabout on the A8.


·       The timetable for the rail service running through Langbank is now back in full operation following a period of reduced timetables due to a dispute between Scotrail and its workforce. The timetable is available on ScotRail’s website.


·       The reduction of GP services in Langbank is of some concern and I have raised these with The New Surgery and Inverclyde HSCP to request better local GP services to help those Langbank residents for whom a trip to Kilmacolm would be difficult.


·       The path at Station Road park is on the Council’s winter programme works to be cleared, but no firm date has yet been set for the work to take place.


·       The pavement on Station Road was recently cleared by Council operatives after concerns were raised by local residents, the Community Council and the local Councillors.


·       Overgrown vegetation on Middlepenny Road was recently cut back but I believe more needs to be done to get owners to keep on top of this to avoid obstructions to pedestrians

Cllr Airlie Nicolson

Reduction in opening hours Langbank G.P. surgery

I have had many complaints about the changes to G.P arrangements at Langbank.

Following a lack of response at the general email address for the Inverclyde HSCP I have directly contacted Kate Rocks who the is Health and Social Care Partnerships chief officer. I have highlighted the impact the reduction would make and the difficulty in terms of the poor transport available to enable patients to attend at the alternative in Kilmacolm.

I have asked her how the decision was reached and the details on whether the changes proposed decisions taken with full awareness of the impact on non-driving patients.

I am awaiting a response and will update the Community Council when I have this.

Lighting issues

The repair to the lighting at Seath Avenue has finally been undertaken.

Preparation for winter with gritting and floods

Council teams have commenced their ‘Ready for Winter campaign,’. The gritting teams will use seven gritters, with more than 4,500 tonnes of grit at the ready, to ensure more than 850km of roads across Renfrewshire remain passable throughout the winter months. I have been advised that drains are being cleared in advance by Council flooding teams, especially at known hotspots. I have highlighted the need to ensure that priority is given to Langbank given the history of flooding in the village.

Sustainable Communities fund

Has been so successful with applications that the Council has agreed to pause and review now that it has been a year in operation a report will be compiled in terms of outcomes.

Village investment fund

Has also been paused and reviewed after a year of operational to get feedback from residents in the villages in terms of past funds awarded. Looking at whether it is best spending on general funds for one off events or for capital funding projects. E.g paths and walls etc

The fund has been very successful and will be next year.

Local Area Partnerships

These were also recently reviewed in terms of whether it is still delivering for local communities




JG investigating Team up to clean up caddies – advised to contact local area Houston or BoW . CB proposed and agreed LCC purchase a cordless strimmer with 2 batteries




Meeting closed : 21.20


LCC December 2024

LCC - August 2024