LCC - August 2024





Present: Neil Barrington, John O’Brien, Carly Deheer, Julie Gilmour, Jacqueline Doherty Also in attendance: Iain McDougall, Cllr James MacLaren, Cllr Colin McCulloch, Gillian Kulwicki and James K Archibald

Apologies: Maggie Hancock, James Hunter


No issues arising John O’Brien proposed and seconded by Jacqueline Doherty

Police Report:

No police report provided. Noted that this has been ongoing issue.

There was an update on some of the vandalism and anti-social behaviour which has been taking place in Bishopton as believed to be related to young people exiting Langbank. Questions asked about CCTV at station and from people’s homes and whether this has been followed up by police.

Village website and Facebook updates:

Usual minutes and updates on Website.

Couple of residents are unhappy with way Facebook page has been administered as they would like more freedom to post whatever they seem fit. Agreement that admin team are monitoring page as per CC wishes and that these meet purpose of page. Noted that as a village information page only this is not a discussion forum and indeed much of negative feedback received is around posts which end in rants/people venting personal views.

Clyde Coastal Path Meeting developments:

Chairman has contacted the chancellor at Strathclyde University –Sir Jim Macdonald – to discuss possibility of student involvement re feasibility phase.

James MacLaren has also reached out for other potential leads and information passed on.

Jacqueline to meet initially with Gordon Russell to try and build some momentum once again.

Village Community Centre update :

Car park has now been resurfaced. Small section still to be completed and this relates to the drainage.

Lighting will be improved and type of lighting has been agreed with neighbour. Question:. Will trench need to be dug in new tarmac for ducting? No that won’t be necessary.

Hall committee have identified that they actually do have additional responsibilities as to what previously was undertaken.

Although finances aren’t too bad, committee are aware that they do need to keep money aside to cover unforeseen repairs.


Grant funding has now been received for the Get Active Coaching sessions – this will pay for an additional hour over the next year. GAC have lottery funding to provide an hour of activities each week over the next 3 years.

Village marquees and generator have previously been stored at Russell Overend’s home. Discussion around where these can now safely be located.

It is hoped that further electrical work for new pavilion will be completed in the near future. Iain Mcdougal has very kindly offered to assist with this.

Street lamp replacement:

These are currently being replaced and works will hopefully be completed soon.

Recent flooding:

No update

Planning Application 23/0128/PP 30 Glamping Pods, Gleddoch Hotel:

The committee who are driving the concerns have appointed Atholl Associates and received some very useful communication. The real benefit of this is that should Gleddoch fail to comply with any of the environmental aspects then there is a right of appeal.

This letter will be sent to all members of the planning board prior to a decision being taken. It is not yet known whether this application will be included in next planning board meeting. Suggestion that this should be sent directly to elected members.

There was also a leaflet drop around the village alerting all residents to the application. Muriel to be asked to pop a reminder on village Facebook page.

Noted that there needs to be a safe walking route for those staying at Gleddoch to be able to access Station and other village facilities.

Question:. Do you wish someone to recommend a site visit? All agreed that this would be good and best way to do so is to ask one of the local councillors on the board to make this recommendation.

Roundabout :

Still awaiting further action plan from TS / Amey.

New MP Alison Taylor has now been contacted and she is currently working her way through communication.

Previously a petition was taken to transport house but that was number of years ago.

The chairman read out there rlevent letter from Transport Scotland CEO, which states that there will be a report at some point this year – however only if funding is available will any actions be taken.

In terms of speed cameras the stretch on the A8 does not meet the minimum criteria. Point made that without reducing the speed limit then the speed cameras would be very limited use.

Agreement that a reply should be sent to state that we aren’t satisfied with the latest response to an issue which has been ongoing for many years and been brought to TS attention a number of times previously, with no effective action being taken.

Letter from RC Chief Exec. to LCC Secy :

Jacqueline attended an initial meeting in Renfrewshire House. Follow up meeting in Langbank on Friday 16th August to see the facilities available in Langbank.

Cllr MacLaren’s monthly report


Cleaning Signs: - Council is purchasing a telescopic pole with wash brush and squeegee to clean signage and would welcome a list of the signs that requires cleaned.

Villages Pedestrian Road Safety Project:: - This has just been launched but unfortunately does not include Langbank. I have pointed out a speeding issue with Houston Rd and await further discussion. Pavement Parking Exemption Traffic Order: - New parking laws to stop drivers parking on pavements, double parking, or parking at a dropped kerb's pedestrian crossing come into force from November. There are some exemptions including Middlepenny Road (north side, from 18 to 20). There is a consultation process on these locations which involves publishing the traffic order for comment for 28 days and there are also notices on lampposts at each location. You can see the full traffic order on including an online map showing the specific exemption locations. Comments must be made in writing an email or by letter: email , write to : Director of Environment, Housing and Infrastructure, Renfrewshire Council, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street, Paisley, PA1 1BR. The consultation period closes on Wednesday 11 September 2024. I have arranged to meet residents outside Woodside Cottages, Main Rd to try to get an exemption here.

Blocked Gullies, Middlepenny Rd: - Blocked gullies were reported in early July to be cleared. Hopefully this was done. Roads do not clear gullies on private property.

Grass Cutting Etc

Main Road, North side: - I am chasing this up.

Bins & Fly Tipping

Main Road, Dumped Earth: - Planning say the pile of rubble does not meet the definition of development so no planning application is required and no breach of planning control has taken place. A fine cannot be issued because the dumping is on private property.

Hatton Brae: - Amey have removed the tyres.

Replacement Brown Bin: - A resident contacted me as they had been waiting for quite some time for this. Council were waiting on a stock of brown bins coming in. This has now been delivered.

Rights of Way

I had a site visit to view the RoW between Middlepenny Place and OGR.

Village Hall

Pleased to see the carpark newly tarmacked. External lighting is also expected soon.


Recent vandalism in Bishopton thought by some to have been caused by youths coming from Langbank (possibly going on to Erskine).

23/0128/PP Erection of 30 Glamping Pods

I have received numerous emails objecting to this development and have requested of all that they send in their objections to the Planning Department. The Planning portal was reopened to allow further comments to be submitted.

Station Rd Playpark

Rubber Matting: - The rubber matting can get slippery and is not planned for reuse, though the hardcore beneath could be used as the base for a new picnic bench. I have requested that the rubber matting be lifted sooner rather than later.

Grass Cutting:- Grass cutting has been a problem this year due to tractor breakdowns. 2 of them are being replaced at the end of the year with new which should improve matters going forward. Overgrowth on Paths: - Neighbourhood Services said the team would cut this back. This should have been done by now.

Biodiversity: - Several factors contribute to an abundance of nettles in the first couple of years after preparing the site and sowing seed. The cut and lift process undertaken each year in autumn removes nutrients from the soil so over time the lower-nutrient adapted native plant species (sown last year with a top-up sowing this spring) are able to compete.

Clyde Coastal Path

Our Out-of-Doors Officer suggests the Community Council to engage with Active Travel colleagues within our Roads team, who would be able to advise on how proposals could be developed and provide contacts for funding agencies, such as Sustrans and Paths for All.


Question:. Who is responsible for the lights from the station to Middlepenny Road as these lights are now covered by vegetation.

Few villagers have expressed concern about the number of drivers parking on hashed lines opposite bowling green. Particularly on Saturdays.

Noted that hedge on Station Road badly needs trimming and is encroaching onto road making it even narrower.

Also noted that hedges on Middlepenny Road are also encroaching onto road and pavement.

Meeting closed

The chairman closed the meeting at 9.25 and thanked everyone for their attendance.

LCC minutes Nov & AGM 2024

Agenda August