If you would like any more information on any village activities please contact info@langbank-community.com.


Drop in Café - church hall, 2-4pm. All welcome.

Circuits with Alyssa - village hall, 7pm (07714143545) - all ages and ability levels welcome

Camera Club - church hall, 2rd & 4th Mondays of the month 7.30pm (langbankcc@gmail.com)


Gentle Pilates - village hall, 9.30am, all welcome, to book contact petra@theflowpilates.uk

Dru Yoga - village hall, 7.30 - 8.30pm, all welcome, to book contact (07872346584)


Community Council Meeting

- 2nd Wed of the month 7.30pm, all welcome.
This is your opportunity to come along and raise village matters.
To add an item for discussion to the agenda please email info@langbank-community.com a week before the meeting date.


Langbank Singers - church hall, 11am (07766934025). All welcome.

SWI, church hall

3rd Thursday of the month, 7.30pm.
All welcome.

Gentle Pilates - village hall, 6.15pm, all welcome, to book contact petra@theflowpilates.uk


Langbank Playgroup

village hall, 9.45am - 11.45am (term time) spaces currently available for children aged 2.5 to 5yrs to come along and play, learn and make friends.
Contact Kirsten on 07519074494.

Under 3s - church hall, 10am to 11.30am.

Friendship and support for families with young children.
Contact Lisa on 07940313094.