January 2025





Present: Jacqueline Doherty, John O’Brien, Julie Gilmour, Maggie Hancock, Caroline Bryce,

Carly Deheer

Also in

attendance: Apologies: Lesley Fairlie, Iain McDougall, Caroline Mclean,

James Hunter, Cllr James MacLaren

Start and welcome

1. Acceptance of last meeting minutes (11th December 2024)

Proposed: Carly Deheer seconded : John O’Brien

2. Police Report (if applicable) – prioritised to beginning of meeting

Will Email from Constable Stewart Sutherland, K18 John O Brien6, Local Problem Solving Team

For report

• 3 abandoned cars – Mini, car on double yellows (with sticker), AGA cleaning car still outside

Coast - Mini is causing an obstruction at an area of parking utilised by train passengers

• Speeding on Main Road.

• Car in Swing Park – police aware, fence being repaired.

Hopefully this repair work may encompass dangerous Pothole at fence on pavement – been

reported previously

3. Village website and Facebook updates.

Usual updates on Facebook and Website. Not many issues this past month.

Only one post this month that comments had to be removed.

4. Village Groups Updates

- Community Centre

No updates from hall team.


Tonight’s session finished early due to frosty conditions

Additional Christmas lights - purchase MERRY CHRISTMAS to go beside Santa

Need to purchase some new signage for placement on gate to South side of MUGA to discourage

unsupervised use of that area.

New basketball net to be installed

Electric to MUGA hut still to be installed

Accounts lodged with OSCR

- Church redevelopment

No update

- Winter Connections Grant

CB proposal for a FIRST AID course – part of grant £ 500

Screen for the VILLAGE HALL, initially for first aid course can be retained as an asset

MUGA running costs for electric over winter months,

Awaiting information from LBC re their proposed event

5. Recent flooding / Drainage clearing

Puddle at Coast – that’s been only flooding last month despite heavy rain

6. Planning Application

No further planning applications

Hardcore road and containers South side Old Greenock road – are there any planning application

submissions relating. Cllr C Mc advised he will make enquiries.

24/0463PP -

LCC had submitted a further objection due to concerns around number of dwellings and difficulty

creating sufficient parking within grounds. .

7. Transport Concerns

• A8 roundabout,

Prioritise in the New Year, liaise with MP Alison Taylor

• Speeding

Still an issue on Main Road, less so due to reduced delivery vans.

• Lack of public transport

Keep pushing with RC. Scotrail new winter timetable in place until March 2025

8. Local Cllr updates and monthly reports

Cllr Colin McCulloch : Bin collections and lack of gritting –

In Langbank on Friday 3rd January due to lack of gritting bin lorry had to abandon collections, returned

Saturday to collect

Marypark not been collected – should have been Sunday

JD will Check if grit bins have been topped up and will Feedback to CMcC

Councillor James MacLaren

Langbank Community Council January Report from Councillor James MacLaren – attached


o BULBS have arrived and JD will contact Phil OB – beginning of next week.

o Lane at Middlepenny place to Middlepennny road very overgrown, slippy due to vegetation.

o Free food hygiene training course 27.01.24 in Johnstone

Meeting closed 20.20

Langbank Community Council January Report from Councillor James MacLaren

1. Roads

i. ii. Finlaystone Burn, OGR: - I am chasing Roads to resolve the flooding issue here.

Finlaystone Road: - I am aware of the recent accident on this road. Any information would be helpful with

regards to necessary repairs. Full road surveys are carried out on a cyclical basis and will be carried out

when next due. Anything specific can be reported separately. RC Roads will not carry out inspections on

Inverclyde’s section of this road.

iii. iv. v. vi. vii. Middlepenny road (play park accident): - An accident also took place on this road. Any information would be

helpful with regards to necessary repairs/improvements.

Grit Bins: - I have received a large number of requests for new grit bins, the majority of which do not meet

the strict criteria. Roads are looking at issuing more community grit bins and will be looking for members

and residents’ input.

Gallahill Road: - I have asked Roads to have the ditches cleared and drainage sorted and get the potholes


Traffic lights, Middlepenny Rd: - The stop light was out which I reported and this was attended and fixed on


Drainage, Middlepenny Road: - Water flowing onto the road near the traffic lights will be investigated.

2. Street Lighting

Westferry Streetlighting: - The Street Lighting Maintenance team say the lighting issues may be down to a faulty

breaker tripping and cutting off the supply to the lighting at the control cabinet, but further investigation will take

place. In relation to the lighting at Westferry Interchange, council are waiting on an update from AMEY/Transport


3. SPEN - Update on Overhead Line Transmission Towers Replacement

The first phase of replacing the existing Overhead Line (OHL) transmission towers with wood poles has been

successfully completed, and the new OHL is now energised. The second phase, which involves the removal of the

steel OHL transmission towers, will commence in January 2025 and is expected to be completed by the second

quarter of 2025. The contractors PLPC will be working to remove these towers and will be working at height and in

some cases a helicopter will be in use to remove some of the OHL steel towers.

4. Bin Collections & Litter, Recycling

With the recent cold snap, several streets did not get their bins emptied and the teams were expecting to return the

following day. I have been chasing up collection of a number of bins. If you are still waiting for your bin to be

emptied then please let me know.

5. Overgrown Hedges

Middlepenny Rd Hedges: - A number of hedges have now been cut back.

6. Scotrail Train Announcements

ScotRail Customer Relations have sent my request to their Control Team to look into the matter of a change to rail


7. Langbank Surgery

The New Surgery made a formal request to both HSCP and GGC Primary Care Support to temporary reduce their

operating hours within their branch surgery at Langbank. This request is based on staffing pressure and absences

which is expected at this point to last no later than March. I have asked if appointments have also been reduced at

the Kilmacolm surgery.

8. Sweeping

I had requested that the pavements be swept of leaves on Middlepenny Rd and this was done mid-December.

9. Station Road Park

I requested new lighting be installed along the top path and around the new play equipment. Unfortunately, this will

not be considered at this time. The lower pathway around the park from the station is lit and maintained at present

for a walking route.

February 2025

LCC December 2024