LCC meeting minutes April 2024






Present: Neil Barrington (chair), Jacqueline Doherty (secretary), James Hunter, Carly Deheer, Maggie Hancock, John O’Brien, Julie Gilmour


Also in Attendance: Cllr James MacLaren, Lesley Fairlie, Ewan Mitchell,


Apologies: Iain McDougall, Cllr Fiona Airlie Nicolson, Cllr Colin McCulloch


Start and welcome​

Neil welcomed everyone and started the meeting at 7.30pm.​He introduced Ewing Mitchell who is the chair of Langbank Bowling Club.


Police Report​

No police report available.


Acceptance of last meeting minutes​

It was noted that Maggie Hancock had submitted apologies prior to the meeting on March 13th, this had been omitted from minutes.  Approved by Carly , seconded by John.​

Cllr MacLaren noted that he couldn’t open the minutes for last month’s meeting and enquired as to whether a different format had been used.  Neil noted that he has been using the same platform for some time now.

Village website and Facebook updates

Minutes and agendas of CC meetings continue to be added to the website.


Two recent surveys have been posted to Facebook page; Consultation on Potentially Vulnerable areas for Flooding – open until 24th June.  There is a community response which can be completed for this – to be discussed next meeting.  Also SPT consultation closing 13th May.  A reminder for both these will be put on page closer to closing dates.


Issue of illegal tipping on old road beside railway near West Ferry.  This follows on from bollards being removed by Amey to allow for tree cutting.  Recent update to say that permission wasn’t sought from Network Rail for these works, however they have been made aware and bollards have now been replaced.  


Enquiry from villager re provision for people with additional support needs accessing the Langbank Bowling Club.  There have been no changes in circumstances for LBC since they were granted Community Amateur Sports Club status and therefore although they do their best to support less able members theprovision of wheelchair access was not necessary for CASC status.

It was noted that wheelchair access to the bowling green and MUGA had been one of the initiatives the community could vote for on the RC YouDecide campaign, however this was not successful in achieving the majority of votes.

Wheelchair access is something the LBC and LSR would both work together to obtain grant funding should this be deemed necessary, although it was noted that the MUGA surface and the bowling green itself had surfaces which were unsuitable for wheelchairs, therefore any such access would to to reach the hutted area at the rea of these.


Retrospective Planning Approval. App 23/0535PP

No information provided as to whether these plans have been approved or not.


Double yellow lines at COAST Restaurant on Main Road

These double yellow lines do seem to be effective, despite the oddinconsiderate driver stll parking on these.


Clyde Coastal Path Meeting developments

No update.


Langbank Church conversion follow up

The roof repairs are proceeding well, although these works are weather dependent.

The long term future of the church seems to be reasonably secure, with details still to be finalised.


Village Community Centre update

Following an incident on the 8th March when a villager fell and was injured there has been a number of communications between husband of victim, RC, local councillors and Secretary CC.  There is currently a dispute over who has responsibility for this.  RC are responsible for upkeep of path which has been inspected and whereby there is a pothole it is deemed within acceptable limits – however they have placed this on a job list for consideration.

The issue of lighting is proving more problematic, however the Lead Facilities Manager (Support Services) has asked to meet with representatives of RC and OneRen and he will also meet with Iain (Hall Committee chair) to discuss how this can be moved forward in a collaborative way.  

Important to note that the involvement of our local councillors and MP has helped to ensure notice was taken of villager concerns.

Question asked as to who planted the plants along the front of the wall at the hall, however no-one seemed to know who had undertaken this planting.


MUGA – Pavilion update

Hut was delivered and erected on 29th March.  This has still to be sealed and painted.

A resident has been working away quietly to keep the front tidy and plant some shrubs – we are grateful to him for all is efforts.

The Go Active Sessions are going well with sufficient funds from the Winter Connections grant to run these until the end of April.


Street lamp replacements

No update available on when the cut down lamps around the village will be replaced.

SP Energy Networks were due on site 26th March to repair lights at Hatton Brae and West Ferry.


Recent flooding  - Drainage clearing

It was noted that the drains at the top of Station Road do still appear to have issues.  Question asked as to how the CC can request that these drains are fully inspected to ensure there are no blockages between the gullies.  Local councillors will make this request on our behalf.


Local Partnership for Erskine, Bishopton, Inchinnan and Langbank

Applications for this membership of this group has closed and thegroup met to discuss these applications and decide on who the successful applicants are.


Cllr MacLaren’s monthly input


A8 Greenock Rd, Westferry: - Amey have removed some abandoned signs which I requested.

Main Rd Potholes, etc:- An Instruction has been issued to repair a number of defects on the carriageway the full length of Main Rd with an estimated timescale of 29th April.  The subsidence in the footway will be investigated.

Parking Restrictions, Langbank PS: -  I have requested that the bus stand and existing school Keep Clear markings be refurbished and additional signs placed upon the fence.  These works are with the contractor.

Pavement Parking: -  The Traffic Order for No Pavement Parking in Renfrewshire will be published in the Autumn of this year at the earliest.

Subsidence Marypark Road: - I am chasing up Network Rail to deal with this problem.

Marypark Rd, Water Run-off: - I asked Amey about this but all they said was, “This footway is outside the South West unit and it is the responsibility of the adjacent landowner to stop surface water discharging on to the trunk road boundary.”  I will see if I can interest Roads in addressing this.


It was noted that there was a blocked drain at Marypark.


Bins & Fly Tipping

Hatton Brae: - The access to the footpath/cycle path off the A8 Greenock Rd at the bottom of Hatton Brae was open and saw some fly tipping which I reported.  Glad to see the wooden bollards back in place now.

Garden Waste Permit: -  If you have a new permit then this should be fixed to your brown wheelie bin.

Litter Bin, Main Rd: - The litter bin at the entrance to the station is in very poor condition and has trouble standing up.  I have requested a replacement.

Food Waste Bags: - I am receiving numerous complaints that the operatives on the lorries are not issuing new rolls of food bags.  If this is the case with you then please let me know as these are still made available.  Rather annoying when council is claiming that not enough food waste is being recycled.

Marypark Rd: - I met with residents and management to try to address the bins not getting emptied.  Hopefully this will improve going forward.


Noted that some residents had not yet received their permits to display on bins.


Erskine Recycling Centre

I asked why the recycling centre was closed while the signage said it should be open.  The answer came back that a piece of equipment known as a hook lift was in the workshop, which only left 1 other hook lift to try and service 5 other sites.  The information should have been put up on the council website.


Local Partnerships, Funding

Applications are now open for funding from the Local Partnerships.  Applications will remain open until midnight on Thursday 25 April 2024.  Further detail can be found here


Station Road Park

The old rubber matting will be removed at some point and it is hoped to re-use the base for a picnic area.  

Steel brackets where the old slide used to be are dangerous and will be removed.

Collapsed Wall: - The wall repair is expensive and will require funding though Council is not sure of where that funding might come from and therefore cannot provide a timescale for dealing with the wall.  Looking for suggestions.


It was noted that Jacqueline had met with an officer of RC and the different options had been discussed - she has fed back view of CC to RC – all happy with removal of old sandstone dyke to be replaced with wooden fencing.  


Noted that the slide in play park is badly in need of cleaning – it is hoped RC can arrange this, however some minor clean up can be arranged at village clean-up day.


Access: - When council address the rubber matting and possibly create a picnic area, they will give consideration to whether they can include a better means of access from the path to the grass area at that location, e.g. steps.

Drainage: - to improve the drainage on the new path, the contractor will be installing drainage grips at a couple of locations. 

Entrance:  There is a barrier across the entrance to the park, but when the new tarmac was laid the pedestrian entrance was ignored.  I will chase up an answer to this.


Village Hall Carpark

Our Estates Team have checked the ownership which is with RC.  Comment from the council’s roads/path inspector is that the pathway, whilst this has deteriorated, is still within limits.  I will seek resurfacing of this.  I also will pursue the lighting issue as some repairs are required plus a new light for the access lane.


Sewage Spill

Our officer has been in discussion with Gleddoch Hotel management and asked for confirmation from staff involved with the hotel for an update and what actions are being undertaken by the hotel to avoid further issues arising with the discharge of sewage onto land.   Further update will be provided.



ScotRail June 2024 Inverclyde timetable: - The new timetable doesn’t seem to do Langbank residents any favours I’m afraid.  There will be no direct trains to Gourock.

Bus Service to Braehead: - The new bus service from Bishopton is due to start on the 14th April.


Fibre for Langbank

Openreach Full Fibre Broadband Build Plan will begin to deploy in Langbank over the next 12 months from BT Openreach.  


Streetlighting, Hatton Brae

Scottish Power started work to repair a number of lights on 26thMarch.  Hopefully they will be back on soon.


School Exclusion Evaluation

Roads have committed to surveying schools to capture data about pedestrian and traffic behaviour.  Unfortunately, Langbank PS has not been included and I will be asking why not as much work has been done by pupils and teachers to address driver behaviour.


Cllr Airlie-Nicolson’s monthly report

A8 Roundabout update

Neil Barrington (LCC), Gavin Newlands (M.P.) and myself are meeting with Transport Scotland on the 19th of April 24. We will be looking for an update on the outcome of their element of the investigation, associated findings and planned actions. We were previously advised that Amey, had analysed the results of speed surveys, reviewed design standards for potential options and reviewed the extensive contribution from the community from their A8 Roundabout Survey Findings Report.

I would hope that they have some helpful solutions which can be considered.


Flooding Consultation SEPA

(I believe this is on your agenda for this evening)

SEPA launch consultation on review of areas most at risk of flooding across Scotland.

The designation of Potential Vulnerable Areas (PVAs) is a SEPA science and evidence-led process and feedback from public partners and local communities is key to making sure all relevant impacts are taken into consideration.  

They are looking the views of individuals and communities on the proposed PVAs will inform essential future flood risk management work so we can improve flooding resilience together and best prepare for a changing climate.

Please use the link to contribute.


Lighting and road surface around Langbank Village Hall.

I have been following up on the issues that have raised about the lighting , Road surface and concerns for safety at the village centre. It is evident that there is clearly some confusion/ disagreement in terms of who is responsible for what elements. Road surface/ lighting etc. However, discussions are ongoing in order to find a solution.

I have been advised that both the Council and One Ren are responsible and that discussions are happening with the Halls management. My thanks to Jacqueline for her very helpful input which I am sure will help in progressing the issue.


Local  Area Partnership funding

They are seeking new member for Local partnerships I would encourage anyone who is interested to apply..

Awards of up to £5000 are available. Applicants are required to write their applications reflecting local priorities.


Key dates :-

25 April 2024: Closing date for submitting Local Partnership grant funding applications for consideration at May or June 2024 meetings.

Date to be confirmed: Celebrating Renfrewshire - participatory budgeting work takes place to allocate funding to youth projects, Separate guidance will be available when the fund is launched.

May or June 2024: Local Partnerships make decisions to allocate funding from the General Grant Fund and Common Good Funds.

June 2024: Celebrating Renfrewshire successful applications announced.


Cllr Colin’s McCulloch

Cllr McCulloch did not provide a formal report as many issues had already been covered at the meeting, he has however been involved in some of these and offered any ongoing support.

Planning Application 23/0128/PP 30 Glamping Pods, Gleddoch Hotel –  latest development and inputs from RC Planning Authority

No update, hope to have any new information at next meetingprior to next RC planning meeting on 28th May.


Awaiting feedback and resulting action plan from Transport Scotland on the A8 Roundabout Survey

A Teams conference call has been set for 19th April to discuss this.  Cllr Airlie-Nicolson, Gavin Newlands (MP) and Neil will all attend.


Letter from RC Chief Exec. to LCC Secretary.  Discussion for reply to same

This response had been circulated to regular attendees prior to the meeting.  This was discussed at meeting and agreement that Jacqueline will respond accordingly and will be point of contact for liaising with Laura Macintyre the head of Policy and Partnership.  The Community are keen to work with RC, however would be disappointed if the solution was to ask community members to volunteer to provide village services.


Local Plan Presentation distribution to all members. Comments please

This had been distributed prior to meeting to allow discussion and comments to be shared.

This is for communities getting together to decide on plans for an area which they can then take to RC for consideration.  


Revised “Langbank to Gourock” railway timetable

The proposed changes certain early morning and evening trains stopping at Langbank have not been implemented which is welcome, however disappointing that you can no longer get a direct train to Gourock and must change at Port Glasgow.

Agreed that new train timetable will be published on Facebook page once available.


Section 75 funding has been used to trial a bus from Dargavel to Braehead.



It was noted that there is a Park Mains liaison group which consists of representatives from Park mains and feeder primaries and the core function is to discuss the proposed extension to allow for a collaborative approach.  Unfortunately recent social media posts have completely misrepresented this groups views by stating that they think ‘everything is rosy’.  This is not only incorrect but has been very divisive and leading to community rifts. The groupare acutely aware that the situation with the primary school is totally unacceptable and has been a grave error by RC, however they must work with RC to minimise the negative impact on the wider community and in particular the pupils attending Park Mains, to ensure that the community is consulted at each stage about the extension.  


New Village Planters – email sent to RC for assistance in procuring these.  Funds are available and will be transferred as soon as planters ordered.


Meeting closed

Neil thanked everyone for their attendance and closed meeting at 21:13.



LCC meeting minutes March 2024